Stikbot Legendz is a new original series focusing on the events in the land of Zingrannica. The realm and its denizens have enjoyed peace and prosperity as each district maintains an equal influence over each other, but a looming force threatens this balance. Now the realm is in chaos as each district is vies for power over all of Zingtannica. Create your new stories with your favorite characters who hold incredible powers: Valor, Ruebell, Dominus and Raza Oni.
Valor: From Vangarden District. With a shield as his primary weapon, his determination to protect Stikbots gives him the strength of mind and spirit that enables him to face any foe.
Ruebell: From Terayno District. Stoic, intelligent, and intuitive, she wields a crystal bow that lets her create glowing crystal arrows with a range of magical effects.
Dominus: From Gloomburg District. A cunning master of dark sorcery, Dominus has embraced powers that few Stikbot dare approach.
Raze Oni: From Kokatsu District. Raze has the power to summon the strength of the Oni. He also wields the soul-stealing great sword that has been in his clan for generations.
Poseable action figures with fully articulating joints and suction cup feet to stick to almost any flat surface
The new Stikbot Legendz provides an extra level of detail to your animations; you’ll have everything you need to create characters ready to fill any roll. Each Stikbot will be equipped with its exclusive set of accessories and armors. The pack includes 4 Stikbot and 4 Sets of Accessories and armors.
With official STEAM Toys accreditation from Dr. Gummer’s Good Play Guide, the Stikbot line is a great educational toy that can foster creativity and develop critical thinking skills. Kids can practice writing scripts, voice acting, directing, and editing film to become a movie maker that can do it all!
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